Quitting Facebook

12 Aug 2020

After a lot of hesitation, I finally quit Facebook today. The result? An urge to write a blog post to talk about it.

You know, because when you’re not on Facebook any more, there has to be another medium for expression, and that leads you, inevitably, to write on your own website. Which, I think, is liberating. I think having a website is great for this purpose.

Luke Smith talks a lot about Internet independence on his channel.

A worry of quitting any social media is that you start to be more distanced from any outside interactions. You start to drift apart from your social groups, and become out of touch with the world. That is a scary thought, but I hope that won’t happen, because I can make up for my lack of social media presence by my presence in the real world. At least, isn’t that the goal that we are aiming for? I think being on social media gives us an ‘excuse’ to not reach out in the real world. Yeah, we saw everyone’s latest updates on their feeds, so what is the point of talking to them in person?

Let’s see how this experiment goes. I will post frequent updates here, in case you’re also considering saying goodbye to Facebook for good.

In the meantime, you can check out how this post to see how to use RSS feeds to replace social media :) It will be a great experience, I hope.