My notes for a sharing session with high school students (aka my FAQs)

19 Aug 2020

I was recently invited by my classmate, Junyi, to share my experiences in college and grad school with a small group of high school students who are planning to apply for college. The session was informal; the goal was to share my ‘unofficial’ life stories, and any advice for college and beyond.

30 minutes before the session, I sat down and took some notes to prepare myself. Below, you may find these notes, together with some answers that I recalled from the session. Hopefully you might find them useful (and entertaining), especially if you are a high school or college student wanting to know more about research and neuroscience.

Notes for high school sharing

Target audience: 11 high school students, diverse interests but some are interested in Psychology, Computer Science and chemistry. Some of them have had some exposure to brain and cognitive science.

Experiences to share

How did you get into neuroscience?

(These are the notes I took but did not share)

Did you always want to be what you are or did you have wild goals and dreams, like being famous or something?

(Just the notes - question not asked during session)

What are the best and worst parts about your job?

High school experience

Experience at college

Advice for freshmen majoring in STEM: